Easter is over and some of us travelled from the island to celebrate with family and friends. The rest stayed home and worked with the project and celebrated Easter with the once at home.
We are now working on doing our first playable version of our game. We have released some alpha versions of our game, but we want some more to be done to the first playable version.
Week 16
We had a big meeting with everyone in the group where the subjects "working hours" and "doing something funny" was in focus.
The working hour issue was about people not getting on time as they should. There were some arguments and later a agreement that everyone will be on time or at least report in to the producer.
We also want to have a better team spirit within the group, so we are planning on doing something fun after the working hours. Perhaps something that will give us some inspiration. Or release some aggression? Like for example..Paintball!
The Slingshot game is developing forward. The graphics/artists are making normal maps on some of the 3D models, texturing, doing particle effects, making characters and doing the final touches on our booth.
The programmers are working with the entity editor and then focus on the network and particle system for the game.
The producer keeps contact with sponsors, writing documents, looking for all supplies to the game and to the people in Abstract Reality.
Lead designer is testing the game and writing a document on everything that he wants to be included to the first playable version of Slingshot.
For more information on code, graphic/art or perhaps game design feel free to check the crews individual blogs.